Simple Hypnosis Instructions

These hypnosis instructions are one of the simplest ways and how most aspiring hypnotist start. Its called the progressive relaxation method. Its time to start your first hypnosis session, just follow the steps below.

Just a word  of thought, although im not an expert in hypnosis I've studied it for a few years,  and hypnosis is an art that needs to be taught the right way. There's loads of information on the net that can confuse people who have interests in hypnosis and can receive little progress if you aren't practicing the right way. Think of it as trying to learn how to play an instrument without a teacher or study program. Its possible but the progress one will make will be slow compared to ones who do have the right guidance.

  • First you need a subject (friend or family member) to work with, and have them sit somewhere and tell them to relax, try to make them as comfortable as possible
  • Talk in a very soft, soothing way, you want them to feel at ease with your voice.
  • Now make your first command, "close your eyes and every time you exhale begin to feel yourself getting lighter and lighter."
  • Next make your subject aware of their body, the simplest way to do this is to use words such as, "become aware of your leg muscles, now relax your legs, do this for their arms, back, other muscles, repeat this instructions for all the areas of the body.
  • remember to use positive reinforcements, like... "very good" "that's it your doing fine"
  • don't sweat it if you don't succeed on your first try, repeat if necessary, for most people it takes around ten minutes to fifteen minutes to accomplish their goal. The more practice you get you more easier it is to hypnotize people
  • Once you do succeed in hypnotizing someone, and are ready to emerge them just one phrases like " once i count to four, you are going to awaken, you will open your eyes and feel relaxed," then slowly count to four or your desired number in a soothing voice, as you get closer to your number raise your voice bit by bit.

Remember to practice, people get discouraged at the lack of results and quickly shove hypnosis as a "fake" i assure you if you practice this simple technique with your friends or family you will soon see results. Remember there is nothing hard in this world, there is only trained and untrained.