The Art Of Covert Hypnosis

Seduce women, meet new people and make them your friends, influence people to change their decision, have an advantage over everyone, this is the essence of covert hypnosis.

Becoming a master of this art takes time and patients,  here are some basic techniques and learning how to use them correctly will allow you to hypnotize anyone covertly.

1. Build Trust with the Subject, Make Them Feel Comfortable With You

One of the very first things one should do before even attempting any kind of covert hypnosis is to build a feeling a trust a connection between you and the subject. this connection doesn't have to be deep just enough to make them feel comfortable with you. a few compliments or making them laugh would usually be enough

2. Shut Down the Critical Mind

Once you sense and know you've made a connection, you can begin to use covert techniques to switch off the critical mind of the subject

The best way to get around this is to use words that makes people think outside of the realm of reality, basically use words that makes them imagine, daydream, etc. once the mind is wondering around in this "what if" realm the critical mind is shut off. You have to make the subjects imagination going. This is extremely important, invoking the minds eye will certainly help your chances of succeeding sending commands to the subjects subconscious.

3. Make Your Hypnotic Commands

Once you have succeeded in building trust and shutting down the critical mind, its time to make your hypnotic commands and influence that persons choices, decisions, actions, etc.

This is basically all what covert hypnosis is, simple in paper but takes practice to master, your success will depend from the words you choose to body language and gestures, all of these will determine how well the subject will react to you.  

Even though it sounds simple, covert hypnosis is an art and can take time to master.

Excellent Example of Covert Hypnosis

For any one who wants to learn more i recommend you this covert hypnosis program by a renown master hypnotist of international acclaim.

The Power Of Conversational Hypnosis

By Igor Ledochowski, He is one of the most known world's experts and trainers in conversational/covert hypnosis.

How to Detect Covert Hypnosis

If you're wondering how to detect covert hypnosis is being used on you, you need to know how it exactly works. let me begin by defining what covert hypnosis is. covert hypnosis is the use of strategies, methods and tactics to alter and change ones behavior or thoughts in a unconscious way, This type of hypnosis is very subtle and totally undetectable to a person with no knowledge of such techniques and tactics. there are things one could do to prevent to fall victim to someone else hypnotism. The name covert should give you an idea that it can be quite difficult to sense, but if one becomes familiar with such techniques than you could use your analytical mind to detect when covert hypnosis is being used.

The Main Function of covert hypnosis is to shut off the use of the critical mind in the subject or to the very least limit the use of it. This may sound far fetched but its actually rather simple to achieve. Some people ask "what are the signs that you aren't using your critical mind in a certain situation?" well first of all you are completely sucked in into a discussion, or a more simple explanation daydreaming, imagining etc. a better example is when you are absorbed in a conversation, inside your mind you vibrantly follow what that person is saying. that persons story is so interesting that you take in every bit of information without questioning its validity, instead of using your analytical mind you instead follow your feelings rather then  evaluating  the decisions critically. I am in no way advising you that you shouldn't be involved in deep thoughtful conversations or anything relating to it, just to be careful when dealing with strangers or people you do not trust.

One very important note, if not the most important in detecting if you are being a victim of covert hypnosis are the words being used. If people start using very strange and descriptive  words than there's a big chance he/she is using some sort of covert hypnosis on you.

If you haven't noticed yet than its important to know that every single person uses some amount of covert hypnosis in everyday life, you must be wondering how, the reason is simple, its because its a natural way of communication, some people pick up on this and use it more with success. and the rest use it less, one excellent example of this is television, we set our conscious mind to rest and we become more suggestible, that's why company's pay big bucks to have them air their commercials between program's.    

Just want to let you know that's there isn't a sure fire way to protect yourself from this wonderful yet devious art, but since you are reading this I'm positive you have some interest in educating yourself in this wonderful field, just remember to always use your critical thoughts more often, that's why you have it :)